Saturday, May 29, 2004


from L-R:
norvie, elvie, john, kid1, sally-boy [with the V sign], marisol with the microphone, kid2, kid3

kewl dude! you don't even know the names of those three kids!
::>anyways, it's not that important. or is it? hehehe

i think yesterday's going to be the most memorable birthday i'll ever have. although not everyone's present [i called 'em up only when the food arrived just to be sure i have some to serve], at least my bestfriends came.

christen came along with her boyfriend-- jerickson, and her neice [i forgot her name]. too bad. they only came to greet me. they were on their way down south and couldn't stay longer. so i shooed them off. hehehe joke joke joke...

aiza was with tita jo, her mom. and they were just great! i love them both. aiza, christen and i are... we're like the best of friends [are we really?]. doubt not that shit!

and my friend back in primary school-- liza, was also present. we haven't seen each other in the flesh for a long time. and it felt good having our friendship renewed [like a binding, life-time contract, eh].

my bestfriend and playmate since i was 5 years old, norvie was also present to party with us. she had with her her sister.

and last, but not the least, stephanie came and conquered us all with her powerful voice as she sang BEAUTIFUL vii XTINA AGUILERA. hehehe


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